Block e facultative class of limited choice - introduction to databases  

Lecture: Classification of databases. Database versus database management system. Fundamentals of the relational database model (relations normalization, primary and foreign keys, 1:1,1:N, N:M relationships, integrity constraints, indexing). Fundamentals of the object model of databases. Introduction to database and information systems design methodology (including elements of UML). Fundamentals of SQL query language. Overview of database management software (commercial and open source). Security in database systems. Specifics of spatial data management - selected information on spatial data management and spatial data models. Exercises:Learning a selected database management system (MS Access, SQLite). Practical SQL language usage exercises in the environment of the selected database management system. Design and implementation of a database (conception, conceptual model, logical model, implementation - establishing a structure, introducing sample data, data search).
Block e facultative class of limited choice - introduction to databases

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